He’s SO Pretty! [Trolololol]

18 03 2012

For their review of NU’EST’s debut single, allkpop.com closed with the note that the goddess of the group, Ren, looked strikingly similar to miss A’s leader Jia.

Yeah, they look a little bit alike.  But the troll in me just realized that no, he looks like another Kpop star; one of my favorites, actually.  I think Ren actually looks much more similar to… Read the rest of this entry »

Officially Addicted – NU’EST “FACE”

17 03 2012

I was trying to remain uninterested in Pledis’s (first?) newest boy group NU’EST.  Most of the time, whenever I attach myself to a group or singer right after their debut, such as Block B, Dae Guk Nam Ah, or Son Anna (for example), they either ruin their careers, go to shit just after their releases got good, or disappear off the face of the Earth.

I know many people were really looking forward to this group, but I’ve really been disappointed with After School’s Japanese releases, and as the flagship group of Pledis, it reflected onto my view of the company as a whole.  Also, I hardly even noticed the “Pledis Boys” in “LOVE LETTER” last Christmas.  So really, I didn’t care.

Out of complete boredom, though, I watched their debut music video… and wow.  I’m absolutely addicted.  (Music video inside!) Read the rest of this entry »