Morning Musume and Super Junior

26 10 2007

Morning Musume All Singles Complete CoverSuper Junior's Comeback Album

Morning Musume

Momusu’s 10th Anniversary album (All Singles Complete ~10th Anniversary~) is coming out soon, and I’m definitely looking forward to it. I don’t really pay much attention to best of albums, since I’ve more than likely heard everything that’s on it. So when I first heard about the album, I sort of thought “whatever”. But then I saw the cover(s) and was completely hooked. I am a big fan of old Momusu, and LOVE Machine and Morning Coffee are two of my favorite older Morning Musume songs (I consider everything pre-6th Gen to be “old” ^^). They recreated the covers perfectly, even down to LOVE Machine’s horrible makeup and the mass of girls hugging on Morning Coffee. It all makes me really happy and nostalgic, so I can’t wait for this one to come out!

Super Junior

Today I went on another Super Junior spree. Every other week or so I just get some random urge to see Hee Chul, so I decide to watch some Suju videos. Today I spent about three hours gawking at him on various shows (yes, I listen to Suju for Hee Chul), a new record for me. But then I decided to re-watch the Don’t Don video. And something about it really struck me, for the first time, as “dang, their music is good, too!” (of course, I also liked U, but that was about it).
Something also about their new image reminds me of KAT-TUN… Is it just me?

And my long-time fantasy…

I don’t know if anybody else out there has thought of it, but every time I watch Suju (which is usually right after watching some Momusu), I always want to see them perform together. THE girl group in Japan and one of the most popular in Korea performing together… I think it’d be pretty awesome, and have for quite some time. Once again, am I the only one?

…so that was really random. Now I need to start writing my reviews for Shouri no BIG WAVE and Hontou no Jibun~


25 10 2007

Limited Adition Cover

Aaah. Another Koharu single. I have to admit, this song is not at ALL what I expected when I went to watch the video in H!O today (I know, I’m late, but my computer had a virus). I was expecting something really… not what it was. I guess, more like her previous two singles or Hana wo Puun.

My first impression was “PINK!” and I love the colour pink, so this was an immediate win in my book. Her first outfit is really… odd. It’s not cute or pretty or anything. It’s just a plastic box with designs. And booty shorts. But then the red dress at the end is… wow. Red is Koharu’s colour!

The song itself is really upbeat and cute. Koharu’s vocals are, as always, questionable (don’t get me wrong, she’s one of my favorite Morning Musume members). I think the video is kind of pointless and doesn’t have much to do with the song, but that’s normal H!P for you.

This single is set to be released on November 7th. Here’s the video for those of you who haven’t seen it:

Tokaikko Junjou

20 10 2007

Aaaaah! C-ute! My 2nd favorite H!P group (only next to Berryz) just came out with the most kick-ass H!P song in… a long time. I’ve really liked the past few H!P singles (Onna ni, Kokuhaku, Jama Uma, Shuri no Big Wave, Honto no Jibun, etc), but Tokaikko Junjou knocks them all out of the park (and for some reason I almost always type “Tokkaiko”).

First off: the cover. Damn. They look SO good in those outfits. And (H!P shocker here!), they’re pretty normal street clothes (not for their age, but in general). Starting at the left- Chisato. That hat is so damn cute. She looks really mature (as do all of them), and really looks c-ute. I have to disapprove of Saki wearing hooker pumps, but overall she looks a lot more mature than I’ve ever seen her before.

I love how Maimi has her leg up. XD;; She looks like she’s laying on a beach chair. As much as I love Airiin, that green dress is just… ew. All the other girls (save Maimai) are in red and black, and then Airiin’s green and brown. It clashes terribly. To save myself from sounding like a wota (no offense), Maimai is one of the best in the two covers. She can so rock a pair of jeans. Kanna’s boots are gross, but I love the rest of her outfit. She’s really c-ute. ><

And then there’s Erika. Erika is, without a doubt, the hottest of the girls. I mean, seriously! Why did this girl get no lines in the single?? She looks amazing! (And I really want her shoes…)

Okay. So enough about the cover. Sorry, I’m a fashion nut. XD;; Onto the PV/song!

The song is amazing. I’ve yet to hear the b-side, but I do have it. Tokaikko Junjou is the perfect mix of H!P and the rest of music. It’s a little edgy, but still C-ute at the same time. Tsunku did an awesome job on this one. I hope the upcoming Berryz single is this good!

I really like how the song starts with Maimi’s dialouge. She sounds so kakkoi~ And then it cuts to the dance. The dance is, along with the song, one of the best in H!P’s history. I can’t wait to learn it once the dance shot comes out. XD;; (Yes, I learn H!P dances.) I also really like the whole walking down the street thing. It must have sucked to not be able to drive to work on the day they shot the video, but it was worth it. :3

I don’t really understand Chisato’s baseball. Or why Maimi throws it later in the video. Or why Kanna jumps in a puddle. It doesn’t really make much sense when you have no idea what the lyrics are saying.

Since I don’t really have the patience to tear up the video, I’ll just summarize. I think the chorus doesn’t flow very well with the rest of the song, but I still like how it sounds. Maimi’s dialouges pwn the song. Airiin, as much as I love her, has way too many lines. Saki and Maimai blend amazingly, and I’m happy Saki got some lines for once! However, it’s really a shame Erika didn’t get any. Or Kanna. Or Chisato. I love how it starts in the morning, goes to dusk, and then night (and then dusk again?). The overall PV/song pwn, though.

Yay for summarized, half-assed reviews. Now I’ll go listen to Shiritsu Kyougaku!

Happy Birthday Gaki-san~

20 10 2007

Today is the birthday of one of my all-time favorite H!P Girls, Niigaki Risa!  She’s now 19!  Happy Birthday, Gaki-san~ 

Since she joined Morning Musume six years ago, she’s not only become subleader, but also has her own anime!  Congratulations~  I deffinitely expect a lot from this girl in the future!  I can’t wait until Ai leaves and Gaki-san becomes leader~~~